Response to Gorey LAP 2017 - 2023
In response to the public consultation period towards gorey's new local area plan 2017-2023 OG submitted their Views which can be seen here
Following our submission OG were delighted to see that for the very first time ‘Arts & Cultural’ aims and objectives were explicitly set forth in Gorey’s new Local Area Plan [LAP] 2017-2023. The OG team would like to send a massive thank you to all the Gorey Community who contributed to our Cultural Mapping plan, attended culture clinics, answered surveys and shared their stories. Through a combination of our mapping plan [Gorey Cultural Centre] and our further submission in response to the public consultation for the LAP ‘Arts & Cultural’ aims and objectives now exist.
This is a major milestone for Gorey and a fantastic platform for cultural producers, audiences and policy makers to further connect, collaborate and foster an inclusive, vibrant and quality public realm.